Training themes
Results based Planning Monitoring Evaluation / Theory of Change / Outcome and Impact Orientation / Project formulation and management
Community-led /managed development – conceptual training, training on PRA/ PLA, Micro planning, participatory monitoring, People’s organizations and their sustainability
Training of Trainers
Training on Facilitation skills
Strategic Planning as part of Organizational Development process
Training on Leadership / managerial skills
Training Process
I adopt a participatory methodology for all trainings. The training module is developed based on the training needs expressed by the client organizations and the module is finalized in consultation with them. The module is kept flexible and participants’ expectations are sought during the training process. I try to build on what the participants know and take them into confidence while conducting the training. I use participatory methods such as plenary sessions and group discussions, group exercises, role plays, practical exercises case studies among others.
Recent Training Assignments
Results / Outcome based planning, monitoring and evaluation with Child Rights and You (CRY); Institute of Social Development Management (ISDM); Child Aid Network; Kamonohashi; Indonesian and Kenyan partners of Mensen met een Missie, Netherlands; ICRA (supported by BftW Germany) and SIGN Jharkhand.
Strategic planning of Vaagdhara Rajasthan, SIGN Jharkhand, Chetna Vikas Jharkhand and Disha, Haryana.
Training on Community led development and facilitation skills for Child Alert Network, Assam; Child Rights and You (CRY), Breakthrough and SIGN Jharkhand.
Training on Managerial skills for Coordinators of SAHAY Kolkata
Training on Participatory Appraisal for Breakthrough
Training on Leadership for Shakti Samuha, Nepal